This winter the Grange will be hosting a special seminar series on Global Environmental History. The seminar will meet Tuesday evenings from January 14 to February 4 at 7pm. Led by UVM history professor and Grange board member Andy Buchanan, participants will receive a reading list, and each week will discuss a particular book or article that they will have read in advance. Topics will include:
The long transition from hunting and gathering to farming'
European attempts to understand the climate of the “New World.
Changing perceptions of wilderness; and
The transformation of whales from objects of human resource extraction to “Buddhas of the Deep.”
You can drop in for one or more classes. Just contact Andy for the reading for that particular class. For more information and to receive a copy of the reading list contact Andy Buchanan at
The diagram of Mount Chimborazo from Humboldt’s ‘Geography of Plants’ (1807)