at Whitcomb’s
March 8 through April 26
Gallery open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
This exhibition was created by you, your friends and neighbors! The Living Room Project features artworks of all kinds from the homes of people throughout the region: beautiful, quirky, moving, and original. You’ll see paintings, drawings, photographs, sculpture and more with short statements about the piece. It’s an amazing and unique show about what is meaningful in our own “living” rooms.
We welcome new artwork! Bring a piece to Whitcomb’s with a description and hang it wherever you see space. It is truly a work in progress. Read the article HERE in the Plattsburgh Press Republican about the show.
Whitcomb’s community space has been transformed into a comfortable and inviting place to drop in and hang out. You’re welcome to work here, have lunch, meet friends, read by the woodstove, or just sit and enjoy the view. Open to all.
The Living Room Project Party on March 8
Hanging the art together and sharing stories.
The new drop-in, hang-out, co-working space at Whitcomb’s!