Sketching, photography, ceramics, painting, dyeing.
These workshops, led by experienced instructors, are designed to develop skills and creative expression. Presented by the Grange at Whitcomb’s, the former garage in Whallonsburg, now reborn
as a center for artisans and handcrafted work.
Adirondack Impressions: Clay and Collage - ages 7-12
Two part workshop — Mondays, July 19 and July 26
2:00-4:00pm each day
Student artists will learn about clay hand-building processes and use those skills to create nature impression earthenware ornaments using local flora such as birch leaves, ferns, and wildflowers. Artists will also create mixed media Adirondack landscape collages and incorporate the color and textures of the local flora in their compositions.
Class size: Limited to 10 students. $35 fee covers both sessions and materials.
This workshop will take place over two sessions, two hours each and will require a pick up of ceramic work after the second firing. Participants must be able to attend both sessions.
Instructor: Reagan Monarch, art teacher at Willsboro Central School and experienced potter/ceramicist.
Class meets at Whitcomb’s, 1598 NYS Route 22 (corner of Whallons Bay Road) in the hamlet of Whallonsburg, town of Essex. For information contact Kit+Syl Studio at hello@kitandsylstudio.com
NOTE: REGISTER YOUR CHILD ONLY ONE TIME for this two-part workshop. Participants must be able to attend both sessions on JULY 19 and JULY 26!
Made possible, in part, by the Essex County Arts Council Cultural Assistance Program Grant with funding provided by Essex County.